Our office provides free initial consultations when an individual is referred to us from one of our selected organizations, churches or schools.
We are often asked by surrounding agencies to provide free consults to immigrants on issues such as DACA, citizenship and Special Juvenile Immigrant Status, U visa and VAWA.
We have also offered free legal services to individuals with serious illnesses who can’t afford legal representation.
Discounts are available for first responders, veterans and members of the armed forces.
Free consultations are only provided in limited circumstances.
The initial consultation fee of $150.00 guarantees a consultation time with the attorney for a maximum of 30 minutes.
On average most initial consultations span from 30-45 minutes in duration. Serious cases involving immigration and criminal records may exceed 45 minutes but no additional fee is charged.
The initial consultation fee is due at the time of appointment prior to meeting with the attorney.
Our office accepts payments by cash, check, credit card, Venmo and Zelle.
You may also pre-pay your initial consult by phone at the time of scheduling your appointment.
Weekend appointments or those held via chat/zoom/facetime/telephone do require prepayment at the time of scheduling.
The attorney will provide you real actual information applicable to your case at the time of your initial consult.
One reason we do not provide a free initial consult is because we provide real answers, solutions and options.
You are here for answers and time is valuable.
Lawyers who provide free consults will often meet with you for only 10-15 minutes.
Those lawyers listen to your case but provide no solutions, options or answers.
Those lawyers require you to schedule a subsequent appointment where you will be asked to pay the entire retainer before they discuss any real answers, solutions or options.
No. Once you have retained our services you will not be charged for consults relating to your pending case.
We do offer payment plans for any legal service that exceeds an attorney fee of $500.00. If a payment plan is needed please notify our staff. Immigration fees, court fees, filing fees, translation fees, record retrieval fees are billed separately and there is no payment plan for those fees.
Immigration Law
The immigration process can be complicated and confusing.
We welcome you to attend with any family member or friend who can assist you with taking any notes and asking any questions relevant to your case.
We do ask that the questions only relate to the individual/couple that scheduled the appointment.
Often times family members will schedule one appointment for several different cases.
The attorney has allotted a specific time for your appointment during this allotted time she will focus on your case entirely.
If you believe a friend or relative will ask questions regarding their own case then please encourage them to schedule their own appointment.
If you have any questions as to who should attend your consult please contact our office at 972-369-0307 we are happy to explain who is required to attend in your specific case.
Criminal Law
Attorney client privilege is a sacred right for that reason we ask that you carefully consider who will accompany you to your initial consult.
If it is a criminal matter we ask that your family and/or friend wait in our lobby while we discuss the facts of your case.
Family Law
Support can be very important when facing a divorce or a custody battle.
The topics that will be discussed can be very personal and intimate.
Please carefully consider who will accompany you to your consult.
We ask that accommodations be made for any children as the attorney prefers children not attend.
Talking about child support, visitation or reasons for divorce in the presence of children or family members can be difficult and highly emotional.
Probate Law
During this time of loss and grief we welcome you to attend your consult with any family member or friend who can help you take notes and asks questions.
Juvenile Law
In juvenile matters the attorney will meet with both the juvenile and the parent(s) to discuss representation but will limit any discussion regarding the facts of the case.
Attorney client privilege is a sacred right for that reason we may ask that a parent allow the attorney and the juvenile to speak in private.
Guardianship Law
In guardianship matters please discuss with our receptionist when booking your appointment who plans to attend so we can determine if their presence is necessary to assess your case.
Yes! If our normal business office hours are not convenient our office has other options. The following is available;
- Phone consults can be scheduled during office hours, after hours and on weekends;
- Schedule skype or face-time telephone conference appointments;
- Zoom conference meetings; and
- Weekend in person consults (offered twice a month on Saturday or Sunday).
Full payment on weekend/telephone/facetime/skype/teleconference consults is due at the time of scheduling.
Refunds are not provided.
If you cancel 24 hours before your appointment our office will provide you the ability to reschedule the meeting within 10 days of the cancellation.
Weekend or after hours initial consults or appointments are considered a special accommodation. Our office understands it is often difficult to meet during regular office hours. If you need a special accommodation feel free to ask our receptionist and we will be happy to accommodate and will accept pre-payment of consult at the time of scheduling.
Our office will call to confirm your appointment 24 hours before the scheduled meeting. The morning of your appointment you will receive a reminder text message.
If you are unable to make your appointment please notify us immediately at 972-269-0307. If calling after business hours please leave a message or contact us via email at legal@saldanalaw.net.
We will return your phone call to reschedule the appointment to a time suitable for both you and the attorney.
If we are unable to reach you by phone, text or email to confirm your appointment we cannot guarantee your time will be available upon your arrival. Although the attorney will meet with you there is a possibility you will be required to wait.
As a law firm we understand life happens.
Unfortunately, emergencies occur in everyday life.
Sickness, car trouble or incremental weather often prevent an individual from arriving to schedule appointments.
Please note that a no-show results in a lost opportunity for another client or potential client to meet with the attorney.
If you fail to timely cancel or reschedule within the 24 hours the appointment any future appointment will require prepayment before the scheduling of an appointment.